
Where To Learn Riding Wow

Riding Horse Icon WoW Icon update.png Riding (Profession)
Trainers • Mounts

Riding is a secondary profession in which characters may larn to ride mounts, which provide move speed bonuses and, when applicative, the power to wing. Increasing riding skill grants further increases to move speed. All ground mounts increase movement speed by 60/100% (Apprentice/Journeyman) and all flying mounts increase ground movement speed by 100% and flying move speed past 150/310% (Expert/Master).

More than detail on the requirements for each mount tin be constitute on the mounts page.

Skill levels

The following table lists the skill levels available and the cost to train each skill. Due to the loftier toll of training, the price with disbelieve is also listed in the tabular array. The simply discounts bachelor are faction discounts, which vary depending on where you train in the riding skill:

  • Apprentice and Journeyman riding are available from all riding trainers.
  • Expert and Main riding tin can't be bought from racial riding trainers and can only be learned from flying trainers associated with Stormwind, Orgrimmar, Honor Hold, Thrallmar, Valiance Expedition, Warsong Offensive, Kirin Tor and Gold Lotus.
Skill Proficiency Riding Friendly Honored Revered Exalted Required for Necessary level
75 Apprentice 10 s 9 s 50 c 9 s 8 s 50 c 8 s Mounted riding (+60% motility speed) 10
150 Journeyman fifty g 47 g l s 45 g 42 g 50 s 40 g Faster mounted riding (+100%) twenty with Apprentice
225 Skilful Bc icon.gif 250 g 237 g l s 225 g 212 g 50 s 200 g Mounted flight (+150% in the air) 30 with Journeyman
375 Primary Icon Cataclysm 18x18.gif 5,000 g 4,750 g 4,500 g 4,250 g four,000 g Fastest mounted flying (+310%) forty with Proficient
Total Toll 5,300 g 10 s 5,035 g 9 s 50 c 4,770 g nine s iv,508 g 08 s 50 c iv,240 g 8 s

Free riding skills

Note that like all professions, all lower ranked skill levels must be learned before training further (due east.g. Good skill is required to train Primary skill).

This is a summary of the initial class mounts. Obsolete quests for the paladin and warlock mounts have since been removed from the game.

Class Ability Level
Deathknight Expiry Knight [Acherus Deathcharger] 8
Demon hunter Demon hunter [Felsaber] 8
Paladin Paladin [Summon Warhorse] (Human)
[Summon Thalassian Warhorse] (Blood Elf) Bc icon.gif
[Summon Exarch's Elekk] (Draenei) Cataclysm
[Summon Sunwalker Kodo] (Tauren) Cataclysm
[Summon Dawnforge Ram] (Dwarf) Battle for Azeroth
[Summon Darkforge Ram] (Night Iron Dwarf) Battle for Azeroth
[Summon Lightforged Ruinstrider] (Lightforged Draenei) Shadowlands
Paladin Paladin [Summon Charger] (Human)
[Summon Thalassian Charger] (Blood Elf) Bc icon.gif
[Summon Cracking Exarch'southward Elekk] (Draenei) Cataclysm
[Summon Corking Sunwalker Kodo] (Tauren) Cataclysm
Warlock Warlock [Felsteed] 10
Warlock Warlock [Dreadsteed] 20

Riding trainers

Alliance Brotherhood Mountain Trainers and Vendors
Type Location Faction Trainer Vendor
Horse Eastvale Logging Army camp
Menethil Harbor
Command Center
Theramore Isle
Stormwind Randal Hunter

Darlene Stokx
Sansha MacVince

Katie Hunter
Unger Statforth
Katie Stokx
Gregor MacVince
Saber Cenarion Enclave Darnassus Jartsam Lelanai
Ram Amberstill Ranch Ironforge Ultham Ironhorn Veron Amberstill
Mechanostrider Steelgrill's Depot Gnomeregan Binjy Featherwhistle Milli Featherwhistle
Elekk The Exodar (front archway) Bc icon.gif Exodar Aalun Torallius the Pack Handler
Mountain Horse The Howling Oak Gilneas Astrid Langstrump
Dragon turtle Near the Eastern Earthshrine Tushui Pandaren Mei Lin One-time Whitenose
Gryphon Honor Concord Bc icon.gif
Wildhammer Stronghold Bc icon.gif
Valiance Keep Wrath of the Lich King
Stormwind City
Accolade Hold
Valiance Expedition
Hargen Bronzewing
Ilsa Blusterbrew
Maigra Keenfeather
Bralla Cloudwing
Grunda Bronzewing
Brunn Flamebeard
Durgan Thunderbeak
Tannec Stonebeak
Horde Horde Mountain Trainers and Vendors
Type Location Faction Trainer Vendor
Wolf Valley of Honor Orgrimmar Kildar Ogunaro Wolfrunner
Raptor Sen'jin Village Darkspear Trolls Xar'Ti Zjolnir
Kodo Bloodhoof Village Thunder Barefaced Kar Stormsinger Harb Clawhoof
Skeletal Equus caballus Brill Undercity Velma Warnam Zachariah Postal service
Hawkstrider Thuron'due south Livery Bc icon.gif Silvermoon City Perascamin Winaestra
Trike Goblin Slums Bilgewater Cartel Revi Ramrod Kall Worthaton
Dragon turtle Valley of Honor Huojin Pandaren Softpaws Turtlemaster Odai
Wyvern Thrallmar Bc icon.gif
Shadowmoon Village Bc icon.gif
Warsong Hold Wrath of the Lich King
Warsong Offensive
Current of air Rider Jahubo
Wind Rider Sabamba
Bana Wildmane
Dama Wildmane
Tohfo Skyhoof
Neutral Neutral Mount Trainers
Location Faction Trainer
Krasus' Landing Wrath of the Lich King Kirin Tor Hira Snowdawn
River's Eye Wrath of the Lich King Neutral Pilot Vic
K3 Wrath of the Lich King Neutral Roxi Ramrocket
Shrine of Seven Stars Mists of Pandaria Golden Lotus Cloudrunner Leng
Shrine of Two Moons Mists of Pandaria Golden Lotus Skydancer Shun


  • While Artisan Riding (+280% flight) can no longer be learned from trainers, it is still given to boosted and course trial characters.

Patch changes

  • Shadowlands Patch 9.0.1 (2020-ten-xiii):
  • Legion Patch vii.3.5 (2018-01-16): [Flight Main's License] , [Cold Weather Flight] and [Wisdom of the Four Winds] removed.
  • Legion Hotfix (2016-07-25): Cold Weather Flying now costs 50 gold, and is automatically learned at level 80.
  • Warlords of Draenor Patch half-dozen.2.2 (2015-09-01): Flying has been enabled on Draenor for characters that have attained the account-wide accomplishment, Draenor Pathfinder.
  • Mists of Pandaria Patch v.0.4 (2012-08-28): Mount Changes
  • Cataclysm Patch four.0.3a (2010-eleven-23): Mount Changes
    • Chief Flying Skill (310% flying speed) tin can now be purchased from almost riding trainers.
  • Cataclysm Patch (2010-10-12): Mountain Changes
  • Wrath of the Lich King Patch 3.2.two (2009-09-22): Mount Changes
    • Reduced the adept riding skill cost to 250 g .
    • Changed the faction discounts for the riding skill vendors in Honor Hold and Thrallmar to use Stormwind and Orgrimmar faction, respectively. This is because newly-arrived 60s in Outland are unlikely to have any Honor Concord or Thrallmar rep.[one]
  • Wrath of the Lich King Patch iii.2.0 (2009-08-04): Mount Changes
  • Wrath of the Lich King Patch 3.0.2 (2008-x-14): Cold Weather Flying added at level 77 at a toll of 1,000 g .
  • Bc icon.gif Patch two.4.3 (2008-07-15): The level requirement for Apprentice Riding was lowered from 40 to xxx. Information technology too reduces the toll from ninety g to 35 g , and its respective reputation discounts.
  • Bc icon.gif Patch two.0.i (2006-12-05): PvP rankings also no longer grant the player an boosted ten% discount
    Before TBC, the cost of Journeyman riding was 900 g , so the total toll of getting an epic mount was the same every bit before. It has since been reduced to 600 g to make it easier to buy Skillful riding skill.
  • WoW Icon update.png Hotfix (2006-09-28): We will be issuing rolling restarts across all realms [...] to apply a hot fix that will address an result with mount riding skills. Players that had a mountain in their inventory but were non given the appropriate riding skill should find that this has been corrected after this set up is applied.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch ane.12.1 (2006-09-26): The cost structure and functionality of Riding and Mounts was changed.
    Prior to that patch, Riding was an ability rather than a secondary Profession, and had simply one rank. Each faction had its own riding skill (tiger riding, horse riding, mechanostrider piloting, ram riding) and the cost was twenty g , available at level 40. Exalted reputation was required to larn cantankerous-faction riding skill, merely mounts were Demark on Use and purchasable by anyone for 80 g . This meant that characters who were PvP rank 3 or higher could pass on the ten% discount directly to other characters by ownership the mount for them. This is no longer possible because all mounts are now Bind on Pickup, and the bulk of the cost is built into the riding skill training (which is no longer faction-specific) rather than the cost of the mount.

Run into also

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