
Star Trek: Discovery Season 4 Episode 2 Easter Eggs & References

Hugh reaches for a crew member in Star Trek: Discovery Season 4 Episode 2

Photo: Paramount

This Star Trek: Discovery commodity contains spoilers for Season four, Episode 2: "Bibelot."

Just because Star Trek: Discovery now flies in the year 3189, centuries subsequently whatever other Star Trek series or motion picture, the writers still intentionally reference the vast catechism of Trek . Function of this is because the DISCO writers are big Trek fans likewise, only it'southward besides about making sure everything connects. Recently, showrunner Michelle Paradise said Easter eggs and references are there to basis Discovery "within the larger Star Expedition universe," considering they don't "want to be on an island somewhere."

So, in terms of nerdy callbacks, DISCO isn't Lower Decks , merely that doesn't hateful there aren't some astonishing deep-cuts that become slipped in each episode. In Discovery Episode ii, "Bibelot," the crew tries to deepen their understanding of what'due south going on with the phenomenon that destroyed Kwejian. The stakes are getting higher, merely along the way, the Trekkie references continue to flow. Here'southward all the Star Trek Easter eggs and references we caught in Discovery Season four, Episode 2, "Anomaly"…

Saru's rank

Although he'southward afterwards referred to as "Mister Saru," Saru is still technically a Starfleet helm. He's got 4 pips on his uniform and was offered the command of a ship chosen the Sojourner. But, considering Sara becomes Michael Burnham's new Outset Officer, his rank is simply set aside. There's interestingly a precedent for this. After Kirk was demoted from Admiral to Captain in The Voyage Home , Spock still served as his First Officer, even though he likewise held the rank of Captain. This is why in The Final Borderland and The Undiscovered Country , Kirk and Spock are both Captains, in rank. Ditto Burnham and Saru in Discovery right now.

That said, it's non articulate who Burnham'due south Offset Officer was prior to Saru'southward return. Tilly? Maybe?

Georgiou's telescope

As Saru and Burnham talk about Georgiou, they look at the telescope. This telescope appeared in the beginning episode of Star Expedition: Discovery Season one, "The Vulcan Hello." And, at that time, it wasn't a metaphor. At that indicate, Burnham, Saru, and Georgiou used information technology to check out a lurking Klingon transport, which was undetectable with sensors. After Georgiou died, Burnham got the telescope equally part of Georgiou's will, merely Burnham later gave information technology to Saru, who kept it on Discovery. The telescope now seems to be co-owned by both of them.

As well, to be clear, when Saru refers to Georgiou hither, he's only talking about Prime Georgiou, the late captain of the USS Shenzhou.

Curiouser and Curiouser

When Discovery jumps to the anomaly, Stamets says "Curiouser and Curiouser" This is a quote from Alice in Wonderland . In Discovery Season ane, it was established that Michael Burnham was read this book by her adoptive mother, Amanda Grayson. Spock too quotes from Alice in Wonderland, in "Light and Shadows," in Discovery Season two, Episode vii. Nosotros don't know why Stamets likes Alice in Wonderland, but Spock's mother reading him the works of Lewis Caroll was established in an episode of The Animated Serial in 1973 chosen "One time Upon a Planet." In 2019, Nicholas Meyer — director of The Wrath of Khan and consulting producer on DISCO Season 1 — mentioned that bringing Alice In Wonderland to Discovery might have been his idea. "I'm trying to recall if I brought upward Alice in Wonderland that first yr [of Star Trek: Discovery ," Meyer said in 2019. "It wouldn't surprise me to learn that I did. And it wouldn't astonish me—well maybe it would amaze me—to learn that I didn't."

Grey'south New Body Comes From Picard

Culber tells Adira and Gray that the new Synth body for Gray was created using the "Soong Method." This references the finale of Picard Flavour 1 in which Picard's heed was moved into a humanoid Synth trunk. This ways that the Soong Culber refers to isn't Data's dad Noonien Soong, merely rather, Data'due south man "brother," Altan Soong.

Gray mentions becoming a host again.

Gray says that he might want to "become a host again." This is a quick line, but it'due south actually kind of wild. This implies 2 things: Outset, that a Trill host could get joined with another symbiont after having been joined with a different i. Evidently, at that place's never been a reason to call back almost this before: Normally, the reason a host no longer has a symbiont is that they've died and the symbiont has gone to someone else. So, now that Gray volition exist "reborn," just not joined with Tal, he is right, he could go a host again.

Simply, on top of that, this also implies that the Synth Trill trunk might be biologically compatible with a Trill symbiont! This means that fifty-fifty if Synth bodies are no longer in fashion, that they are basically close plenty to being organic bodies that, in theory, Greyness could go another symbiont. It feels VERY unlikely that this will happen, but it's a cool prospect.

Burnham has a holodeck now

Although limited hologram tech existed in the 23rd Century, this is probably the offset time Burnham has been able to have advantage of the avant-garde holo-tech that existed in the 24th century and beyond. Burnham "adding a holo" to her set up room as well mirrors Jean-Luc recreating his study on the holodeck of the La Sirena in Star Trek: Picard .

Cliffs of Surak and Luke Yuron

In her holographic recreation of Vulcan/Ni'var, Burnham mentions the Cliff of Surak and Lake Yuron. Surak is a reference to the well-nigh important Vulcan historical effigy ever, the founder of logic and peace, showtime glimpsed in the TOS episode "The Brutal Curtain," and afterward in the Enterprise three-parter showtime with "The Forge,"

Lake Yuron on the other mitt is a very deep cutting. This lake was referenced past Tom Paris while talking to Tuvok in the Voyager episode "The Disease."

"Take Me Home, Zora"

Michael is referring to the Discovery'due south ship's reckoner as "Zora." The figurer vox is now played by actress Annabelle Wallis, who commencement voiced "Zora" in the 2018 Short Treks episode "Calypso," written by Picard co-creator Michael Chabon. The timeline of "Calypso," is, in theory, notwithstanding at some bespeak in the future of the current era of Star Trek: Discovery. In 2020, Discovery producer and director Olatunde Osunsanmi said those connections might not exist "one-for-i." Meanwhile, Michelle Paradise has gone on record saying, "'Calypso' has at present become part of our catechism…And yeah, eventually we'll have to find our way there."

"Throw me out an airlock"

Stamets jokes near Burnham throwing him out an airlock. This references the fact that Burnham actually did use the Vulcan Nerve Compression on Stamets and kicked him out of the airlock in Discovery Season 3, Episode 12, "At that place Is a Tide…"

Artificial gravity knocked out

Nosotros very rarely see the artificial gravity of Star Trek spaceships get knocked out. The most prominent instance was in the picture show Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country .

Culber is basically the ship'south counselor

Although he shares more conventional medical duties with Dr. Pollard, information technology appears that Culber has now become the de facto send's counselor. This is probably because prior to DISCO coming to the 32nd Century, the role of ship's counselor on starships didn't actually exist in 2258. In a deleted scene from T he Next Generation episode "Relics," Scotty is surprised that the Enterprise-D has a ship's counselor, and Troi affirms that it's 100 pct something that happened after his time. So, if we connect the dots, this means that the Starfleet of 3189 obviously has ship'due south counselors, and Culber is substantially getting a job that didn't even exist for him back in the 23rd century.

Obviously, he's totally qualified, and peradventure is poised to become the all-time Star Expedition counselor of all time! (Sorry, Deanna.)

Star Trek: Discovery airs new episodes on Thursdays on Paramount+.


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